

On the Bright Side

As a person who enjoys reading memoirs about the lives of others throughout the world, I inevitably find out a lot about people’s belief systems.

I have sometimes asked myself, “Why do some people still refuse to acknowledge God, even though scientific evidence clearly points to a Creator?”

Irish Professor John Lennox, a Christian author and writer whom I’ve mentioned before, also talks about encountering this.

He says in response: “I don’t think believing in God is a purely intellectual exercise, because it’s belief not in a theory, but in a Person.”

Christianity is not about trusting in a mere philosophy, he points out, but rather about trusting in the Person of Jesus Christ. And when it comes to trusting a person, “other big issues issues come into play.”

Lennox explains that, very often it comes to the moral issue, because “Christianity makes real demands” that many people don’t want to live by.


Speaking Out for Louisiana Citizens

Speaking Out for


Very soon there will be a legislative session concerning the redistricting. That is where we recognize the shifts in population. The only thing that is sacred in the change are the minority districts. They certainly will remain or be improved., according to the governor. Based on the past, districts that have a representative who is retiring or has passed away is the area they try to refigure.

It is time you talk to your representative and express your feelings. They might be moved to another district.



Social Security Matters

Ask Rusty – Is My Analysis of my Wife’s Social Security Correct?

Dear Rusty: I am 63 and my wife is exactly 4 ½ years younger than me to the day. I plan to file for Social Security when I turn 70. My earnings history is considerably higher than my wife’s. I talked with a person at the local Social Security office, and she suggested that my wife file at 62 based on her own record then convert to her spousal benefit when I file at age 70. However, from what I can tell, if she files before her FRA of 67, not only will she get less based on her own record, but she will also receive less for her spousal benefit, as well as her survivor benefit if I die before her (which is statistically likely). Is my analysis correct? Signed: Planning Ahead

Dear Planning: Your analysis is correct regarding your wife’s spousal benefit while you are both living, but incorrect regarding her survivor benefit if you die first. Here’s why:


Speaking Out for Louisiana Citizens

Speaking Out for Louisiana Citizens


Recently there has been a rumor that U.S. Senator Bill Cassidy might run for governor. It was started mainly by LSU professor Bob Mann by an opinion piece in the Washington Post. Cassidy said he was not interested and that only “Other people are saying that.” He stated he was interested in remaining as the U. S. Senator representing Louisiana.


Forty-two years ago today a large scale corruption operation was investigated known as Bri-Lab. It involved an insurance kickback scheme that resulted in grand jury subpoenas for 13 Louisiana officials including Gov. Edwin Edwards, Lt. Gov. Jimmy Fitzmorris, Lt. Gov.-elect Bobby Freeman, Senator Sonny Mouton and Public Service Commission Chairman Louis Lambert. The most noted was that it also implicated Commissioner of Administration Charles Roemer and New Orleans mobster Carlos Marcello.


Notes from an Old Bible

“But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound” (Romans 5:20) Isn’t it amazing that God sends forth a message to a world where His Word and will are increasingly despised? The increasing sinfulness of this age, of course, only emphasizes the true character of grace, for grace is “the kindness and love of God our Savior toward man,” wholly regardless of either “good” or evil works.

It is interesting to note that while the Gospels and the Acts take up twice as much space in our Bible as the epistles of the Apostle Paul, yet the word “grace” in the original appears only 27 times in the Gospels and the Acts while it is used 107 times in the Pauline epistles. Furthermore, only a few times in the Gospels and Acts is the doctrine of grace referred to, while in the epistle of Paul almost every reference to grace has to do with the doctrine of God’s favor to underserving sinners.


Social Security Matters

Ask Rusty – How Do I Get Back Benefits Withheld Due to the Earnings Limit?

Dear Rusty: If I work and take Social Security before my full retirement age, how can I find out how I will be paid back the money withheld after I pass the earnings limit? Signed: Returning to Work

Dear Returning: What you’re referring to is that Social Security limits how much you can earn while collecting early benefits (before your full retirement age, or “FRA”). The earnings limit for 2022 is $19,560 and if your earnings exceed that while collecting early SS benefits, you’ll be required to pay back some of your benefits.


Social Security Matters

Ask Rusty – I Have Medicare Advantage - Why Is a Medicare Premium Deducted from my Social Security?

Dear Rusty: My wife and I have a Medicare Advantage Plan, and we do not use Medicare for our claims. However, we still have the Medicare premium deducted from our Social Security checks. Is this correct? Signed: Wondering

Dear Wondering: If, after age 65, you choose to take Medicare outpatient coverage of any kind you must pay that Part B premium, even if you decide to acquire a Medicare Advantage plan instead of using “original Medicare” to administer your healthcare claims.


Speaking Out for Louisiana Citizens

Speaking Out for Louisiana Citizens



Notes from an Old Bible

Galatians 5:16-18 : “I say then: walk in the Spirit and you shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh. For the flesh lusts against the Spirit and the Spirit against the flesh, and these are contrary to one another, so that you do not do the things that you wish. But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law.”

This verse sets forth the constant battle the believer has between the flesh and the Holy Spirit. The unsaved person does not experience this, because the unsaved do not have the Holy Spirit. The word “lust” means to desire, long for, lust after, covet. It is used 16 times in the New Testament in both a good sense and a bad sense. It is used in a bad sense here and implied in a good sense “the desires of the Spirit. “The Spirit of God has only good “desires” and these good “desires” are for the benefit of each member of the Body of Christ.


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